Replacement 45° Probe Calibration Sphere

This device is equal to or superior to any product on the market, but it is sold factory direct, for a fraction of competitive products. This xxx inch (xxx mm) tall, Probe Calibration artifact has the stem bent at a 45 degree angle to make the Master Sphere more accessible, for probing. See Figure #1. There are two off the shelf versions of this device. Part Number PM-PB-45-100 has 1.00 inch (25.4mm) diameter, very precise Grade 5 sphere. The Gr.5 sphere is absolutely round within five micro inches (0.000127mm), maximum and has a 0.7 micro inch (0.0000018mm) RA, maximum surface texture.

The ultra accurate 1.00 inch (25.4mm) diameter version of the 45 degree probe calibration sphere is our Part number PM-UB-45-100has a Grade 2.5 sphere. the grade 2.5 is spherical within 2.5 (two and one half) microinches [0.0000635mm], maximum and has a 0.5 micro inch (0.0000127mm) RA, maximum surface texture. This quality, is basically the most accurate sphericity that can be commercially measured. The three quarter 0.750 inch (19.05mm) version of this device is Part number PM-PB-45-75. It uses a Grade 5 master sphere. It is absolutely round within 5 millionths of an inch (0.000127mm), maximum and has a 0.7 micro inch RA, maximum surface texture.

The ultra accurate three quarter inch diameter version of this part is Part Number PM-UB-45-75. It uses a grade 2.5 sphere. This sphere is absolutely round within two and one half millionths of an inch (0.0000635mm) maximum and has a maximum surface texture of 0.5 millionths of an inch (0.0000127MM) RA, maximum. The spheres for this artifact are produced from ultra fine grained Martensetic stainless steel, that is hardened to 58 HRC minimum and three cycle cold stabilized for long term dimensional stability. This means that the diameter of these balls will remain exactly the same size indefinitely.

This spherical artifact can be calibrated for size and roundness. This long form calibration can be certified with traceability to N.I.S.T. This part is a robust one and one quarter inch ( 1.25", 31.75 mm ) diameter and is xxxx inches tall. The annular bottom surface, of this part is precision flat lapped within micro inches, to provide the most stable possible mounting. There is an M10-1.5 threaded hole, that is one half inch 1/2” ( 12.7 mm ) deep in the base, of this part, for mounting. This M10-1.5 thread can be matched with any other thread by using one of our dual threaded adaptor screws. (See our web catalog). The spheres are not just glued on the probe calibration post. The ball and the post are drilled with a one eight of an inch diameter hole, and the sphere is glued over this pin.

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